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Budapest French Institute hosting a street party

08 July 2024

The Budapest French Institute is set to celebrate the French national holiday with a lively street party, featuring free concerts and workshops on July 13 in the capital. This annual event offers a rich blend of cultural activities, highlighting the diversity and vibrancy of French and international traditions.

    Evening Highlights

    Break Dancing Workshop: Kicking off the evening, attendees can participate in a one-hour workshop to learn the basics of break dancing, a new sport featured in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympic Games. This session is a unique opportunity to engage with an emerging Olympic discipline and experience its dynamic movements firsthand.

    Manahiti Dancers and Drummers: Bringing the spirit of Tahiti to Budapest, the Manahiti Dancers and Drummers will perform, evoking the essence of this year's Olympic surfing competition site. Their performance promises an immersive cultural experience, showcasing traditional Tahitian dance and music.

    Ötödik Évszak Performance: The band Ötödik Évszak will take the stage, offering a unique musical experience rooted in the folk music of the Carpathian Basin. Their sound is distinguished by the integration of poetry into their lyrics, the inclusion of lesser-known folk music elements, and a willingness to explore improvisational genres.

    Romano Glaszo Ensemble: Adding to the evening's musical diversity, the Romano Glaszo ensemble will present arrangements of European Gypsy, Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian, Balkan, and Jewish folk songs. Their eclectic repertoire highlights the rich tapestry of cultural influences in their music.

    Daniel Moritz: The evening will conclude with entertainment provided by Daniel Moritz, ensuring a vibrant and engaging end to the festivities.

    The French national holiday street party organized by the Budapest French Institute promises a memorable celebration filled with cultural performances, music, and interactive workshops. This event is a testament to the institute's commitment to promoting cultural exchange and community engagement. Whether you're a fan of dance, music, or simply looking to enjoy a festive evening, this street party offers something for everyone.

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