In Hungary today, the popularity of red wines far outweighs that of rosés and whites. The Bordeaux November 18th program focuses on the varietals and blended wines made produced from Bordeaux grape varieties.
In Hungary red wines are more popular than rosé and white wines. Classic Bordeaux grape varieties play a major role in Hungary’s red wine industry, especially Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot. These are rich in aromas and have the potential to make complex, high quality wines.
By organizing Bordeaux November they want to draw attention to the Bordeaux grape varieties and cuvées made from them. Considerable emphasis will be place on Cabernet Franc, because this grape variety is important in Hungarian viticulture due to its unique character and spiciness, making it an excellent grape for varietal wines.
In November when the cold weather arrives, we tend to prefer red wines more and demand grows especially for full-bodied red wines. The organizers are looking forward to the cooperation not just with wineries and restaurants, but also with shops and stores because they would like to emphasize that wines are great potential Christmas presents.
Location: Corinthia Hotel Budapest (1073 Budapest, Erzsébet Krt. 43.) From 14:00 to 22:00